The purpose of my work is to use our collective
joy, presence, authenticity, curiosity, and foolishness
movement, play, deep listening, creativity and celebration
in order to bring about a world in which people
live and play together consciously, and take care of each other,
celebrating the full richness of life.
I look forward to connecting with you!

What folks have said about me and my work:

Jen introduced me to silks after my first baby, which was the best way for me to get back into things. So many people said to me “oh I wouldn’t be strong enough to do that, looks fun tho!” And I would say to them “you do it to GET strong!” These classes were transformational for me, I highly recommend!
-Kim M, Silks 2023
I met Jen back in 2018 when my daughter Poppy joined aerial silks. I watched Jen teach my daughter Poppy, I thought to myself that would be fun to try. So I did. I remember saying to Jen ” I can’t do this!” And Jen replied, “you can” with weeks of lessons , Jen taught me to be strong and to believe in myself that I can do it! She is an amazing teacher and has totally got me obsessed with aerial silks now. I did my first performance this year in front of 150 people. I am so glad that I had Jen for a teacher. She is patient and has a talent in making people feel positive in themselves to succeed and do it. I feel strong and empowered. Thank you Jen!
-SallyAnn D., Silks 2023
Jen, your silks classes were transformative in my life and for many others.
-Shaki C, Silks 2023

I can’t thank you enough for your workshop offering. I’ve done a lot of workshops and self development work. The vulnerability and honesty of clown is surely some of the most profound work and play of my life. I can’t thank you enough.
– Sarab, Clown 2023
It was such a delight to play with you this weekend. Once I left the workshop the words that came to my mind over and over were, ‘I’m doubling down’. Doubling down on the weirdness. Doubling down on the trust. Doubling down on riding the infinite train of idiocy. I find myself wanting to engage more and more (still terrified but I can’t deny how impactful and amazing it is). To stop hiding or protecting others from myself, and at the same time not trying to drag them into my world but instead be so enraptured by the world around me that the joy is magnetic and contagious.
It was definitely a big edge to have my first clown be an exaggeration of my own self…Here it felt different and it’s super delightful to laugh at yourself…
But all in all it was so delightful.
I truly loved this workshop. I’d been waiting years to do this and now that I’ve done it, I want more. I want to tell my friends. I adore this philosophy and there is zero doubt that will enrich my life to endless ends. Let me know when the next one is, and I’ll be there!
Thanks so much for everything. I truly think you did a wonderful wonderful job.
And you can absolutely share any of what I said. I’m down to help your mission in whatever way possible, because it’s a really great thing you’re doing.
-Rue, Clown 2023
Is it silly to say Clowning changed my life?
From a clown point of view that would actually be perfect! Clowning has allowed me to connect with the deepest genuine me. It’s a practice to stay present with whatever is going on in the moment and the permission, with the impunity that sillines and idiocy carry, to show it raw, just as it is.
With the premise that our clowns are amazing and everyone loves us, clowning has presented me with the beautiful challenge of allowing the ugliest, most silly parts of me to be free, to enhance them and to love them. It’s deep, rigorous practice and has fed me with the energy of motivation and gratitude to be alive so many times throughout the workshop. It’s a liberating experience.
-Ana C, Clown 2022
Being in the presence of Jen facilitating the emergence of someone’s clown is an exquisite masterpiece to behold. Her ability to draw out the clown is a seamless wonder – asking the exact right question or placing a perfect question at the perfect time and the clown emerges in a flash! My face hurt from laughing so hard even on days when I was in a mood when I didn’t want/didn’t think I could clown her skill enabled Squiggles McAxle to shine almost immediately. I simply felt so well held in the new space I found myself in, learning clown for the first time. If you are looking for an unexpected adventure that will bring you joy and growth in unimaginable ways as well as expand your comfort zone – there is no greater guarantee that attending one of Jen‘s course. I wish you could teach every person in the world to find their clown. She will change the world to greatness!
-Kate H., Clown 2022
I had no idea what clowning was about until I began clowning workshops with Jen – and it’s still full of surprises! I have loved the challenge of the activities we have done to explore and develop our clowns. I never would’ve thought I would be doing what I’ve ended up doing by the end of the series of workshops. It’s been so much fun, I’ve got to laugh so much with everyone else’s creativity in their roles. Jen is absolutely incredible at facilitating the workshops and gradually developing our confidence and skill. Clowning has been one of the best things I’ve done in a very long time. Thank you so much.
-Emily, Clown 2022
The clowning journey with Jen went beyond my expectation. I felt safe to be on the spot, be vulnerable. Jen has a gentle, enthusiastic, and firm way to guide. Slowly I could relax and find my way again and again. Experimenting, be completely spontaneous, and enjoying being stupid. Amazing to be in the group and interact and witness the process and uniqueness of each one. and wow! So much laugh and fun! Dear jen, it was beautiful. I feel complete and want more! Thank you, do this more please!!!
-Juliana aka jujubaMarella, Clown 2022
I learned to show my feelings and be authentic. I learned that to share of myself was a gift, that when shown and given, was nourishing food for the audience, and that to not be authentic with my feelings was to stop the flow and juicy moments for audience involvement. I discovered how it felt to fail in front of others and my own internal judgements. Most of all I got to discover what my clown found fun and enjoyable and what worked to create a interchangeable experience between the fool and the audience. I gained trust in myself and many opportunities to be much more understanding and kind to myself.
-Martine J., Clown, 2017

I got to discover what my automatic reactions are and what questions I can ask myself to show up in ways I prefer to be. It’s a new idea to me that theater and spectators need each other to come up with better ways to make a more satisfying story. I think this workshop could solve sticky human issues in fun and intriguing ways.
-Anonymous, Theater of Liberation, 2022
I really enjoyed playing with social dynamics, with our humanity and our paradigms in a fun, active and creative way. We’re so wrapped up in systems of oppression, we don’t see the water we’re swimming in. These need to be confronted and dismantled, but that can be done peacefully and by creating an alternative together. By bringing us together to be vulnerable, we can start that work.
-Anonymous, Theater of Liberation, 2022

I highly praise Jen and Andy. For the most wondrous workshop. Everything they did was of the highest quality that brought huge healing to me and broke down fearful barriers. It is the most amazing tool to bring community together. To cultivate communication and heal ourselves and this planet creating a happy harmonious world of the highest order. Bless you and thank you from my heart.
-Jasmine, Storybridge 2018
I got out of today a sense of communication between strangers of openness and real honesty. I witnessed a lot of interesting ways in which I hold myself on my own and also the way I interact with others. I felt safe, confident, and supported. I feel like the space was held really well and I didn’t feel rushed. I felt like I had enough time to express what I want wanted to share. And also everyone else had time and space to say and be heard with all they brought to the space to be shared. I found the exercises really insightful interesting and a lot of fun. I felt like Jen could really feel where the group was at and gave us a new game or task to move or change the energy and flow.
For me I am now… feeling really full and nourished and walking away from here feeling like I have processed and learned a lot and grown. Thank you.
-Razz F., Storybridge 2018
Magick! I gained so much today! It was challenging at times, feeling like I wanted to give up and leave, However I am so glad I stayed! Seeing so many “strangers” come together to share such intimate and personal experiences were so powerful. I loved it! Thank you!
-Branden L., Storybridge 2018
The performance felt very real, deep and healing for those in it so it was a privilege to watch it. I was fascinated how it was woven together & flowed so smoothly. Amazing that you were all able to do that in just a day. Lovely to see the little girl included. To be able to share your story & feel heard & accepted would, I imagine, be a beautiful thing.
The meaningful discussion & photo afterwards felt like a good completion.
Thank you for being beautiful open people & sharing your skills.
-Michele H., Story Bridge audience member, 2018
Brilliant, inspiring, heart opening in an atmosphere of respect and fun loving vibe.
-Beate, Storybridge 2018
Contact me:
Jennifer Hyde
(828) 242 – 8366